I made the comment the other day that HR people do not read enough. To me, to be a great, proactive HR professional you have to read. And not just HR "stuff'. The value of reading however, was really brought home to me when I was reading an online article on some of the self-made billionaires in the US. As I read their answers to a set of questions about their lives I was struck by the fact that each of these BILLIONAIRES reads at least an hour a day and in many cases far more than that. Contrast that to how important they thought an MBA was, only half felt that one was needed. Part of the reason is that with the reading they do they get the equivalent of a Master's degree each year, according to Brian Tracy. So read this article Forbes on Entreprenuers and see for yourself the value of reading.
It broadens the mind. It gives you ideas. It gives you experiences with out having to actually have the experience. It prepares you to deal with the future and the day-to-day.
I couldn't agree more that a commitment to regular reading and soliciting new ideas is one of many keys to success. As a hiring manager and director of organizational development, I routinely interview candidates for careers in professional services. One question I ask frequently is "how do you keep current"? The organizations of which I have been a part have placed value on ongoing learning so I look for candidates with a habit and interest in picking up new ideas and perspectives. When I am on the fence about a candidate, often times the answer to this question swings my perspective. With so many technological resources to push content to your desktop, there is little excuse not to keep up with the latest. -LBW
I really like this post. It validates my semi-addiction to reading online articles. Thank you for that!
The thing is--I don't read because it's "good for me" and my career. I do so because I'm curious. I wonder if curiosity and interest in learning is more of a factor in career success than the actual acquirement of new knowledge? Just a thought.
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